Night Mode at K

These buildings. They dont look so good to me, especially at night. It looked so damn creepy. The stillness and eerie chill amidst the dark appeared almost frightening. As if someone is looking from a distance, watching every move, counting every step and sensing the nervousness in every heartbeat. 

Ugh, just a wild imagination and hopeful wish combined. Why, there could really be someone out there, just unseen and unknown. I just feel it..or want to. waiting to be found.

Srsly, i always try not to look outside the window nor be brave enough to walk in the hallway or even hang around anywhere else in the area. And yes, add up that annoying squeaky sound of the elevator, a time and again indication that someone is coming for me or will just carelessly pass through the door.  Though sometimes, i'm tempted to peek through the small openings of the blinds, imagining, wondering if someone would dare to look back to catch a glimpse of me and yes somehow expecting.. it would be you.

Dont say "boo!" rather "surprise!" Instead.
