A Gap in Between

An evidently missing parts of closeness
A separation in space by awkward distance
An incomplete area of affection
A break in continuity of a blooming attraction...

A gap in between. :(

Don't you just hate the feeling when the sweet attraction you thought would last forever just suddenly started to fade? Without even a notice that it will be taken away from you. It just happened too fast like a wind that blows the leaves off its branches. Like the ocean waters rise up in high tide and/or in low tide. You're left alone wondering, over thinking, searching for answers to your endless questions..hurting your head coz obviously you can't find the rightest reasons for such bad luck. Was it you or was it them? People change. And you do wonder if you change too. But you know whatever the answers may be, the feelings you have won't ever change. Or if ever it will, still it wont be easily forgotten. But the thing is, they've changed. You can't control that.

The pain when they just turn their backs on you. Purposely ignoring you to make you feel that you are not too special, not too important to deserve not even a minute of attention was cruelly unfair. The flood of emotions, that vicious storm inside your chest, it drowned you.

You lost your heartbeat. But sadly, it's still beating for them...for the one and only hue that is imprinted in your heart..for always.